Tuesday, March 31, 2009

News and stuff

So it's a while since I've done one of these! Sorry about that, if you care.

Life is all good in Perth at the moment. Job is ticking along and I'm hoping to get another contract after the first 6 weeks is up. May get a longer one too so that'd be all good. I don't get holiday pay but I get a higher wage as a result so I'm pulling in about $AUS1400 a fortnight, so more than I was getting in NZ! Can't complain about that. Actually I saw a Brit from the hostel we stayed at the other day, and he got really pissed off that I was getting paid more than him to 'pack peanuts'. Poor bastard.

Sticking with the British Isles, there's a ship load of Irish over here, and they're pretty animal. They get on the bevvies a lot and half the time you can't understand what they're saying. Some people were walking behind me the other day and I was trying to figure out what language they were speaking - something Eastern European I thought. Turned out they were a couple of Irish blokes speaking English. Go figure. St Patrick's day is big over here for them too it would seem. Rosie O'Grady's, an Irish pub down the road, managed to get a section of the street closed off, had half a dozen port-a-loos outside, and had 2 queues of about 30 pissed Irishmen (and women) just hanging out to get a beer past their lips. Fiddle de dee.

Anyway hoping to get internet at home in a week or two so a bit more of this sort of blah blah blah to come hopefully.


Tom said...

So with that much money are you going to shout us all holidays to come and visit?!

sally said...

Loved the blog...but we DO care what's happening still. How about a May post?