Thursday, May 28, 2009

Life goes on

I've been harassed a wee bit lately for not updating this. Sorry fullahs!

Soooo, I've just seen that National has withdrawn its promise of tax cuts. Can't say I'm surprised, they've been a party of schemers for quite some time now! And to call Labour a "credit card opposition" is pretty pathetic given the good surpluses Labour ran for a number of years (which of course National took no hesitation in attacking at the time). So New Zealand is going to get screwed on superannuation and the environment (and I'm sure other areas to boot) and there will be no tax cuts. Change for change's sake isn't such a good idea any more huh.

Well that's my rant. Feel free to disagree or to add to the discussion. I'm sure the letters pages in the papers back home will be pretty interesting for the next few weeks.

Back to Perth. Work is good. Planting will begin either tomorrow or next week, starting with on-site plots, then some trips to regional areas (Wongan Hills, Mount Barker, Manjimup, Katanning). After my work with the Barley pathology group drys up I should be able to get work with the wheat guys, so fingers crossed work is secure for the next couple of months.

Long weekend this weekend. Going to Fremantle prison on Saturday (it's historic, I'm not in trouble...) and maybe a wee drive on Sunday. It's good having a car, you really need one here because of the distances. plus it cuts 40 minutes off the trip to work (each way).

I have a cold right now. I guess I have no immunity to things over here. Hoping it isn't swine flu. I guess if I get it and recover I have immunity?

Not too much else to write about, life goes on. Winter hit here in 24 hours, with a pretty impressive thunderstorm - the streets were a mess with debris, but it seems to have calmed down a bit now.

Hope everyone's well. Will try and be a bit better with this!
